- Strategic advice, studies and master plans
- Design of structures and supervision of works
- Technical assistance, project management, audits
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Consulting and Engineering expertise to optimise resources

Our engineers advise you on all your projects to:
- Ensure the resilience of territories to the effects of climate change (protecting water resources, researching and developing new resources)
- Imagine and bring to life the cities and industrial sites of tomorrow
- Build high-performance and sustainable infrastructure that contributes to the attractiveness of the territories
- Provide long-term access to essential services
- Support the implementation of public policies
- Reconcile the economic, environmental and social performance of your projects
Our expertise in water management

Water in the city
Surface water
Maritime & port facilities
Faced with the challenges posed by climate change and coastal risks, we design robust and sustainable port infrastructure to guarantee the safety of maritime activities. By integrating the principles of sustainability and biodiversity preservation, we contribute to the ecological transformation of ports while strengthening their economic and tourist attractiveness.
Through our multidisciplinary expertise and commitment to sustainability, we are at your side to address the complex challenges of water management and build a resilient future for all.
An innovative approach at the service of your engineering projects
Digital solutions for performance
- Optimise the design and implementation of your projects thanks to better management of the interfaces between the various stakeholders with the BIM approach and the digital twin
- Tailor-made data visualisation platforms and solutions
- Real-time flood risk forecasting and warning solution
Tailor-made methods to fight and adapt to climate change
- Development of roadmaps of low-carbon trajectories and energy strategy for territories and industrialists
- Integration of low-carbon solutions to reduce the footprint of your projects with Decarbon'Action
- Identification and mobilisation of green finance levers
- Modelling short loops to better manage water/waste/energy resources with Urbadvanced™
- Optimising water resource management with our REUT solutions
- Sustainable development of marine environments and port areas
- Creation of islands of urban coolness, restoration of biodiversity in the city, refunctionalisation of artificialised land
Eco-design and preservation of biodiversity through nature-based solutions
- Ecological Restoration of Environments and Prevention of Flood Risks (GEMAPI)
- Ecological engineering operation using mangrove development
- Implementation of bioplastic seagrass beds to restore juvenile habitat with ReFish™
They trust us
In Haute-Savoie, GEMAPI's expertise to restore the Dranse delta
How can we reduce the risk of flooding while preserving biodiversity? What solutions should be developed to restore the ecological functions of vulnerable areas? What governance should be adopted to optimise greenhouse gas emissions and maximise the use of nature-based solutions? These are all challenges taken up by our Consulting & Engineering teams in Haute-Savoie, along the Dranse Delta!
For several years, the perimeter of the historic area of the Dranse delta has been facing a very strong urbanisation linked to the development of industries, tourist activities and the development of new residential areas. The Basse Dranse, between the Pont de la Douceur and the delta of the Dranse, presented a vast space where the river meandered.
The flood of 2015 was a reminder of the potential for flooding in this downstream part of the Dranse and the interest of an eco-morphological restoration of this area.
Our Consulting & Engineering teams support the Chablais development syndicate in the restoration of the ecological functions of the watercourse.
Eco-morphological restoration of...
Frequently Asked Questions
For more than 70 years, SUEZ Consulting* has been providing its consulting and engineering expertise to local authorities and public authorities who wish to develop their territories sustainably.
As project managers, our engineers support project owners at all stages of their projects.
Our missions cover a wide range of activities: Strategic studies, technical assistance, design office services, production of master plans, design and supervision of works, deconstruction and operating assistance with expertise in project management, project management assistance, audit, project management and knowledge transfer via training.
For all our projects, our approach is to reconcile economic, environmental and social performance.
*SAFEGE operating under the name SUEZ Consulting
With strong regulatory expertise, our engineers design the environmental measures of your projects:
- A preliminary diagnosis and regulatory framework
- Environmental design for an eco-exemplary project
- Alerting, advice, quality and rigour throughout the project
- Securing the project to obtain authorisations
And advise you on many subjects: sanitation, river hydraulics, pollution of sites and soils, water resources, urban development and transport, biodiversity.
Leaders and pioneers in the modelling of hydraulic infrastructures since 2011, our engineers bring you their expertise as BIM Managers, Coordinators or Modellers whenever necessary, in France and abroad.
At all stages of your project, through our BIM approach, we offer you support adapted to your challenges.
To ensure the efficiency and performance of projects, we advise you on the entire project life cycle:
- Define the objectives of the project, the uses of BIM and facilitate decision-making from the upstream study phases
- Support coordination and collaboration during design studies
- Ensure the monitoring of schedules and costs during the construction phase
- Optimise the operation and maintenance costs of the structure
- Draft regulatory requirements and communicate at all times to all stakeholders