Anchor zone L1 - Full

Your personal data collected in this form are processed by SUEZ SA as data controller to send you news about innovations related to your professional activity, in its legitimate interest to promote its business. This data will be kept for 3 years (unless you object).

SUEZ SA will not transmit this data to any recipient or service provider.

You may exercise the rights granted to you by the General Data Protection Regulation:

  • Access: obtain a list of your personal data and how it is processed by SA
  • Rectification: modify your personal data
  • Erasure: delete your personal data
  • Restriction of processing: suspend the processing of your personal data for a specific reason
  • Opposition: object to the processing of your data for the purposes of commercial solicitation
  • .

These rights may be exercised with the SUEZ Data Protection Officer by post (SUEZ SA, DPO, 16, place de l'Iris (Tour CB21) - 92040 Paris La Défense, France), by e-mail to [email protected] or by filling in this form. You can lodge a complaint about the processing of your data directly with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (