Shaping healthy environments with sustainable air quality solutions

As a leader in environmental services, SUEZ is committed to tackling air pollution and driving sustainability. Our fully integrated approach provides air quality solutions that are innovative, smart and efficient. We work in partnership with communities and industry leaders to protect public health and preserve our natural environment.

Air pollution: The facts

Air pollution attributes to approx 40,000 deaths a year in the UK.

Poor air quality is the most significant environmental risk to public health in the UK, whereby there is no defined “safe” level of air pollution. It is plausible that air pollution affects everyone, especially the most susceptible groups: young children, the elderly, those with pre-existing health conditions and low socioeconomic status groups.


Air pollution costs the UK more than £20 billion every year.

The health problems resulting from long-term exposure to air pollution, including asthma, stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer, are as costly as dangerous.


Air pollution is closely linked to climate change.

Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants are leading contributors to the global climate crisis. 

Our innovative solution to improve air quality

SUEZ is rising to the challenge of air quality. We offer innovative solutions that use new technologies and draw inspiration from nature to improve the air quality we breathe. Our Air Advanced solution provides you with a total package of modular, high-tech, 24/7 solutions that form a cycle to tackle all pollution challenges.


A comprehensive assessment allows us to design a bespoke treatment plan. We conduct an initial consultation, measure and characterise air pollutants and impact studies to identify key problem areas.


Our monitoring systems are adaptable and can be tailored to your needs. We can provide real-time monitoring, 3-D modelling and predictive models.


We offer a variety of innovative indoor and outdoor air quality solutions that are efficient, adaptable and designed for an innovative, circular future. 


Our integrated service provides a holistic approach to air quality treatment with action plans and follow-up monitoring to take you into the future.

Public health

Exposure to air pollution can be a severe threat to public health. Our service aims to protect communities with innovative solutions that monitor and reduce air pollution to the lowest possible level.

Climate change

As global temperatures rise, businesses are under increasing pressure to meet emission reduction targets. Our environmental solutions reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help cut a clear path to net zero.

Odour solutions

Odour can have a significant impact on quality of life. Tackling unpleasant odours with our air quality solutions can improve local reputation and foster good relationships with the community.

Why choose us?

  • Comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of air quality
  • Improving public health by reducing harmful pollutants
  • Environmental benefits of reducing greenhouse gases
  • Protecting vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly from serious health issues
  • Adaptable, intelligent and efficient indoor or outdoor solutions
  • Reputational benefits of improving air quality and embracing environmental sustainability
  • Economic benefits of real-time monitoring (e.g. identifying leaks)