Solutions to investigate air quality and climate change

AirAdvanced®-Explore 360

A diagnostic service designed to investigate and gather representative datasets to ensure a comprehensive understanding of air quality. This solution determines pollution sources, site performance and produces a practical action plan.


Scan360 is a tailored service designed to enable businesses to examine their greenhouse gas footprint (CO2, CH4 & N2O)  on an individual site basis and review and optimise site efficiency. This solution is offered as an end-to-end service from diagnosis, design and implementation of solutions to review. It allows clients to evaluate their performance against any defined key performance indicators set to ensure the achievement of net-zero carbon objectives.

How we can help you achieve your net-zero goals

  • Comprehensive assessment of greenhouse gas emissions with certified values
  • Environmental and reputational benefits of reducing greenhouse gases
  • Improving public health by reducing harmful emissions
  • Staying compliant with environmental legislation
  • Progress in achieving net-zero goals adaptable, intelligent and efficient indoor or outdoor solutions
  • Economic benefits of real-time monitoring and increased efficiency (e.g. identifying leaks)