Global support to industrials: SUEZ wins two new contracts to supply cutting edge water treatment technologies
In Brazil, MODEC Offshore Production Systems has awarded a multi-million euro contract to SUEZ for the supply of seawater sulphate removal technology. This comes as part of MODEC’s construction of a new floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel on behalf of Equinor Norway1. MODEC will use SUEZ’s ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes to reduce seawater sulphate levels to required levels. The contract includes equipment supply, engineering, project management, procurement and construction supervision. This latest win marks the second contract with MODEC in a span of 6 months.
In Russia, SUEZ has signed a contract to supply technology for a large wastewater treatment project and to establish an associated 10-year service agreement with Irkutsk Polymer Plant of Irkutsk Oil Company, one of the largest independent oil and gas producer building a new polymer plant in the Eastern Siberia region of the country. SUEZ will treat all wastewater from the new plant using 3 main technologies: membrane bioreactor (MBR), electrodialysis reversal (EDR) and thermal vapor recompression (TVR). The combination of technologies will enable the plant to reach near-zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and implement water reuse, thereby limiting the plant’s impact on the environment. The treatment process will also allow the Irkutsk Polymer Plant to meet strict government regulations for discharge. Once commissioned in 2024, the wastewater treatment plant will treat a total maximum design flow of 9 600 m3 each day.
1 The operator of the Bacalhau oil field
* WTS: Water Technologies & Solutions