- Improve your operational and economic performance
- Limit the net loss of leaked networks
- Control and secure the level of water quality
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Real-time supervision of your drinking water networks to optimise their performance
Our 160 years of experience as an operator enabled us to develop a software platform that covers all your needs in managing and optimising your networks. With our solution, you can limit your water loss, reduce your energy consumption and reduce your operating costs.
Improve problem detection and management by directly reducing water loss and control water quality with our control software.
Whether you are an operator or a local authority, AQUADVANCED® Water Networks allows you to fully supervise your network in real time, alerts you in the event of an incident (water leak, microbiological risks, etc.) and informs you of its location.
The benefits for you are immediate:
- Improved network performance with water loss limit.
- Reduced time to search for leaks
- Detection and location of invisible leaks
- Real-time supervision and control of water quality
- Optimisation of operational performance (in time and personnel) and reduction of operating costs
- Increased compliance with regulatory requirements
The AQUADVANCED® Water Networks offer is composed of 3 additional modules:
The "hydraulic" module forms the basis of the offer. It offers a hypervision of the network's operation, with the calculation of business indicators (nighttime flow, daily volume, network performance) and events based on hydraulic data (sectorisation, flows, volumes, pressures, etc.).
It allows you to monitor and analyse the performance of your drinking water network, and detects events and leaks in real time, as well as their location.
It can be completed with 2 modules:
- The "Quality" module, which monitors the quality of the water, detects anomalies (taste problems, red water, coloured water, etc.) and allows you to act on the taste qualities of the water.
- The "Pressure" module, which analyses the pressure stages and detects anomalies (pressure drifts, water hammer, overpressure waves, etc.). Suitable for communities with a steep slope (with a high number of valves and pumps), it helps to limit premature wear and network breakage.
They trust us
Macau Water - Minimising the risks of the water network in densely populated areas
Faced with the scarcity of water resources in the territory and a very high consumption of water linked to its tourist activities (hotels, casinos, etc.), Macao Water has chosen the AQUADVANCED® Water Networks software solution to manage the performance of its drinking water network in an innovative way.
The results:
- 158 events detected in the first two years, 92% of which revealed anomalies
- Non-revenue water has fallen from 18% to less than 10%
- The ROI is between 2 and 3 years
- Accurate analysis of pressure and flow changes allows for rapid action, as was the case when a leak was detected in the University of Macau's private pipes, preventing the loss of 5,000 m³, the equivalent of three days' water consumption
Metropolitan Milanese - Digitising the water network of a public operator to minimise risks and reduce leakage-related interventions
As one of the 20 most populous regions in Europe, Milan has a complex and comprehensive water network. As one of the most developed cities in Italy, it is considered a benchmark in many areas, including that in the water business and AQUADVANCED® Water Networks has helped them achieve their goals.
The results:
- Strengthen the monitoring and control of the water network through the integrated digital twin that has helped to sectorise the only existing sector into 10 virtual sectors and 287 virtual sub-sectors.
- Optimise the use of existing sensors, identifying the best location of pressure sensors and reducing the number of sensors needed
- Define key indicators to make decisions to improve the operation of the networks in an optimal way (daily losses, daily linear flows, etc.)
- Generate events and identify risks through data mining and missing data modelling.
- Provide water billing and supply services.

Versailles Saint-Cloud - Improving the performance and efficiency of water networks while guaranteeing water quality
In a process of constant improvement of the performance of the water service, the network operator has chosen AQUADVANCED® Water Networks, in the AQUADVANCED® ecosystem of solutions, to achieve the non-revenue water objectives set by the local authority, up to a maximum of 10% per year, and to monitor the quality of the water in the network in real time
The results :
- Within a year, 94 events were detected, 80% of which revealed an anomaly, as verified by the network operator
- 200,000 m3 of water saved in 2 years, the equivalent of the consumption of a town of 4,000 inhabitants
- Improvement in non-revenue water by one point, to reach 10% in one year. To go beyond expectations, to reach 8% after a few years.
- Detection of an increase in bacteria and a decrease in chlorine residual corresponding to a change in water source.
- Visualisation of conductivity variations on two occasions corresponding to the start-up, then to a change in the parameterisation of the decarbonisation system set up in the area.
SEAAL - Ensuring access to water in regions with high water stress
Algiers is located in a particularly arid region, where water resources are critical and urbanisation is increasing. The city is faced with intermittent distribution of drinking water. To allow Algiers to have access to drinking water 24/7, the SEAAL (Algiers Water and Sanitation Company) has chosen the AQUADVANCED® Water Networks solution.
The results:
- Improved leak detection with real-time flow monitoring
- Improvement in non-revenue water from 45.3% in 2017 to 42.2% today, i.e. a gain of nearly 13 million m3 of water
- The system can detect anomalies in the event of an overflow or low pressure, and act as quickly as possible
- Installation of pressure sensors
Frequently Asked Questions
We have helped more than 1000 customers worldwide. It's not just a digital solution, it's 160 years of expertise in managing water operations . If you have any questions, our teams are available to offer you 24/7 support to manage your operations and maximise the use of AQUADVANCED®. This allows you to comfortably plan for all interventions and risks.
One of the strengths of AQUADVANCED® Water Networks is its design and flexibility, which respond to a unique approach focused on the customer and users. You can choose any of our existing modules (hydraulics, pressure, quality...) and add as many features as needed: from monitoring and data processing to a digital twin that will help you predict risks, interventions and potential investments.
AQUADVANCED®'s software ecosystem is also marketed in SaaS mode to offer you a fast and reliable solution with a single click.
AQUADVANCED® Water Networks is an open data platform ready to be connected to all existing data sources (GIS, SCADA, AMI, LIMS, CRM...), making it one of the most flexible and reliable solutions on the market.
Our other solutions to improve network performance

Finding and repairing leaks
Innovative, integrated approaches to optimising the detection and repair of water leaks in order to preserve resources and improve the performance of your networks.

Trenchless network renovation
Aqua.UV® CIPP: renovating your drinking water network with high economic and environmental performance

A solution to ensure your energy efficiency and optimise the operation of your pumps in real time

The world's first solution to continuously monitor and optimise the performance of your boreholes and pumps.

Managing corporate water networks
We offer a range of services and preventive measures to ensure optimum management of your water networks.