Guarantee secure storage of your residual waste

We provide storage solutions for residual waste adapted to each waste stream produced, in accordance with the regulations:

  • Non-hazardous waste (residual ordinary industrial waste, organic waste and non-reusable waste) is treated and stored in non-hazardous waste storage facilities.
  • Hazardous waste is stabilised and then stored in specific units under close surveillance.


Our different solutions:


Advice from our experts and chemists to identify, package and transport your waste in accordance with the current regulations.

Optimum disposal of your non-hazardous waste

Our non-hazardous waste storage facilities benefit from a higher level of equipment to that required by the regulations, particularly in terms of leak tightness. They are designed to collect all effluent resulting from degradation (liquid waste, biogas).

Stabilisation of your hazardous waste for the purpose of storage

Hazardous waste undergoes treatment operations before storage according to the nature of the identified pollutants (organic, chemical). These advanced industrial procedures alter the physical and chemical properties of the waste to neutralise pollutants, improve their resistance, solubility and solidification.

Treatment of toxic waste in low quantities

Our solutions allow you to treat and store small quantities of hazardous waste in a variety of packaging.

Traceability and storage of your hazardous waste in complete safety

Hazardous waste storage facilities have a reinforced sealing system: safety barriers (layer of clay material, geomembrane, geotextile), traceability procedures and daily inspections guarantee the safety of the storage.

Recover residual waste to reduce your costs and protect the environment

The hazardous and non-hazardous waste storage sites we design are classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE). We design and implement numerous technologies specifically designed to optimise the storage of residual waste: waste to energy, treatment of effluents and polluants, practical operations to protect the environment of the sites.
Our solutions for residual waste recovering:

Isolation of recoverable residual waste

The mechanical and biological waste treatments we design allow the small quantities of residual waste which can still be recovered from the initial stream to be finely separated: residual household waste, secondary raw materials (metals, plastic, wood, etc.), materials that can be used to produce solid recovered fuels (SRF). Part of your residual waste is thus recovered rather than being stored or incinerated.

Contribution to the energy transition

Storage of your residual waste produces biogas which is captured and recovered in the form of electricity or heat. This energy can supply the waste storage site or be injected into a public gas distribution network.

Secure treatment of effluents

Each residual waste storage cell is equipped with a drainage network allowing the collection of liquids produced by the biodegradation of waste. These leachates are treated in wastewater treatment plants to avoid any toxic discharge into the natural environment.

Preservation of biodiversity

We go beyond the current regulations in terms of preserving biodiversity. The residual waste storage facilities are subject to an impact analysis including assessment of the sensitivity of the environment, implementation of practical measures to avoid, reduce or compensate for the impacts generated by the site. This study is performed prior to opening or extending any site.

Each full waste storage cell is capped with a sealed cover and planted to blend into the landscape surrounding the site. We develop specific partnerships with the Regional Parks to guarantee the preservation of species in the natural environment of the storage facilities. 

Long-term storage monitoring

In France for instance, each landfill is monitored for at least 30 years once operation has ended. Gaseous and liquid effluent generated by the waste is treated in accordance with the current regulations and settlement of landfills is controlled. Regular analyses and sampling control the impact on the air, groundwater and surface water to monitor the evolution of the natural environment.