The goal in Paris is to build a carbon-neutral, 100% renewable-energy city by 2050. The capital needed a tool for measuring local greenhouse gas emissions that could meet the challenge of its transition to carbon neutrality. It wanted to work with and the LSCE, as Yann Françoise, the city of Paris Climate, Energy and Circular Economy Manager, explains: “Paris has supported the project since its creation in order to benefit from the latest scientific advances in favour of the climate transition in Paris. It will open new avenues for managing the low-carbon transition, quickly evaluating the impact of projects and engaging in a new form of dialogue with Parisians.”
Traditional methods for estimating CO2 emissions in urban environments are based on inventories that offer a picture of emissions two or three years late. Local authorities mostly have to rely on simple Excel spreadsheets containing meagre field data or statistics, sometimes supplemented by default values, which take a long time to collect, process and check. Knowledge of local greenhouse gas emissions is thus always subject to a time delay.