To improve the quality of public services for citizens
Dijon metropole have taken a unique smart city initiative to use the digital data produced by connected public facilities to offer new public services to its inhabitants and to implement open urban governance based on Open Data. This project for the connected management of public spaces, called OnDijon, meets several objectives:
- to better coordinate services and personnel (road works, waste collection, etc.),
- to better manage equipment (anticipation of the renewal of equipment, introduction of automated procedures, etc.),
- to improve security in public spaces and establish more effective crisis management through the use of new, high-performance information technologies,
- to provide new digital public services for inhabitants and develop local participative democracy,
- to develop the appeal of the region by promoting the digital economy.
The implementation of a centralised and connected public equipment control centre
Dijon metropole has awarded to a consortium made up of SUEZ, Bouygues Energies & Services* Citelum** and Capgemini, a contract for the development and operation of a system to control the connected equipment in the 23 localities that make up the district.
The connected control centre uses digital technology to remotely control, coordinate and maintain most of the town council’s urban equipment. It is an essential tool in order to improve the control of the equipment and the services related to the management of urban spaces.
It replaces the six existing control centres (security, municipal police, urban supervision, traffic, council hotline and snow).
Fifty people are working at the 1,200 m2 connected control centre, which:
- simplifies and improves the coordination of interventions and maintenance works of the metropolis’ services on the public space relating to bulky rubbish, roads, green areas, cleaning...
- remotely manages the urban equipment of the metropolis 23 municipalities such as traffic lights, street lighting, CCTV or road services
- ensures public safety and security: crisis management (snow, floods...), safety of public buildings (fire, intrusion, access control...) as well as CCTV and interventions by the Municipal Police
- organises inhabitants’ mobility by coordinating means of transport and travel across the area
- processes around 630 daily calls received at the telephone portal dedicated to citizens’ requests
It also is the first time that a public authority in France uses digital data from connected public equipment in an Open Data project on this scale.
More efficient and economical urban equipment and services
The connected management of public spaces is a means of modernising public action and making it more efficient, while developing the region’s digital economy and increasing its appeal at the same time.
Key figures:
- A €105m contract financed by Dijon metropole, the city of Dijon, the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Renovation of over 34,000 100% LED lighting units
- 113 traffic lights and 180 buses fitted with bus priority systems
- 205 geolocated vehicules and 130 equipped with radios communcation sets
- Over 140 km of fibre optic cables installed
- 180 buildings operated in safety and security, connected to the control centre, including 13 renovated
- 65% energy savings at the end of the contract
- Renewal of 26 retractable access points
- Renewal of 269 CCTV cameras
* a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction
**an EDF group subsidiary

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