The French government supports the Dunkirk Urban Community (France) and its partners, including SUEZ, for the ‘Innovation Territory’ project
Led by its president Patrice Vergriete, the Dunkirk Urban Community (north of France) will be able to undertake its project to effect profound changes in the territory, thanks to the support provided by the government. This project is based on the implementation of a territorial symbiosis to embody the industry, the port and the city of the future, through 4 strategic axes: the air quality, the industrial and territorial ecology, the energy transition and the territorial intelligence.
This project is the result of a co-construction work carried out with all the partners present in the Dunkirk area: local governments and public partners (the Hauts-de-Flandre Community of Communes, the Dunkirk Grand Port Maritime…), economic and industrial partners including SUEZ, universities and research laboratories (including the Université du Littoral-Côte d’Opale and the CEA), and associations, federations, and other organisations (the local urban planning agency, the Hauts-de-France ATMO air quality agency, ECOPAL…)