Construction of the first Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) heat generation unit in the Hauts-de-France region: an unprecedented partnership between Tereos and SUEZ
The foundation stone for a Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) heat generation unit, the only one of its kind in the Hauts-de-France region, was laid today. From 2027, this future facility will replace 40% of the fossil gas consumption needed to run the Origny-Sainte-Benoite sugar refinery-distillery. It illustrates Tereos' commitment to a major programme to decarbonise its production units.
This first stone symbolises the completion of the preparatory work to assess the environmental, economic and technical impact of setting up the SRF heat generation unit. The plant will process non-hazardous, non-recycled waste (wood, paper, cardboard, plastics, foam, ...), most of which is currently landfilled. Following the announcement of the project in 2021, this preliminary stage has confirmed its main benefits: contributing to a more sustainable and circular industry, and optimising waste recovery.
The association of the two groups reflects their respective commitments and missions: SUEZ in waste recycling and recovery solutions, and Tereos whose ambition is to invest in sustainable agricultural practices and decarbonised industrial processes to build a more resilient and profitable model.
Olivier Leducq, Chief Executive Officer of Tereos, emphasises that this project is in line with the Group's ambitious decarbonisation strategy: “The decision to install this SRF heat generation unit at our Origny-Sainte-Benoite site reflects our cooperative's commitment to transforming its energy approach. It is part of our decarbonisation drive, which aims to reduce our CO2 emissions in Europe by 65% by 2032, and to achieve zero net emissions by 2050. Leading this ecological transition is essential if we are to rethink a sovereign model that creates value for our cooperative members, to meet the needs of our customers and to help the regions in which we operate to meet their environmental challenges.”
A local industrial project with a strong environmental and economic impact for the region.
The aim of this installation is to replace, by 2027, 40% of the fossil gas needed to produce steam at the Tereos sugar refinery-distillery site - the largest beet distillery in the world - and to significantly reduce its consumption of fossil fuels.
Thanks to its expertise in waste recovery and circular solutions, SUEZ is able to transform residual waste into fuel. Waste thus becomes an energy resource. The project also contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of waste, which is no longer landfilled but recovered as energy in a local circular economy loop. The SRF recovered by the project will represent approximately 25% of the local deposit estimated over the next few years in the Hauts-de-France Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan.
On a more local level, this partnership will secure the energy supply for the Tereos site and increase its competitiveness. The entire agricultural sector of the region will be supported. The project will also promote local economic development by mobilising 150 jobs during the construction phase and creating around 50 jobs from 2027 onwards to run the heat generation unit and the SRF preparation sites.
The facility will be built and operated by SUEZ, which will invest €130 million in the Hauts-de-France region to develop SRF facilities. ADEME is providing €36.4 million in support for the plant.
The successful completion of this project between Tereos and SUEZ will lead to several advances, both environmentally and regionally. The two companies are proud to be working side by side to play a role in the energy transition and contribute to a more sustainable industry.