Our Quick Scan Service receives the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label
Our Quick Scan Service innovation was awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label by the Solar Impulse Foundation in September. The label recognises clean, efficient solutions with a positive impact on the planet and quality of life.
The solution can precisely locate and quantify a site’s greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O). Though it is more essential than ever to monitor and quantify emissions, traditional measurement methodologies are based on applying theoretical models on a large scale, and do not allow locally-produced emissions to be identified precisely.
Thanks to Quick Scan Service, managers of industrial and urban sites can pinpoint the exact sources of emissions, introduce corrective measures and evaluate their effectiveness, facilitating the sale of carbon credits on the market.
This solution can be applied by a variety of customers around the world, including the operators of waste management, wastewater treatment and industrial sites.
* Greenhouse gas