Your challenges

Meter inaccuracies, poor data handling, fraud, or illegal connections… Many factors can explain commercial losses, which count for approximately 20% of Non-Revenue Water, i.e. approximately $8 billion per year.

Reducing commercial losses is key to improve water utilities efficiency, and it requires targeted actions at various stages of the commercial value chain.

Reduce commercial losses and improve sustainability based on machine learning

Thanks to our Opti Revenue approach, you can define a commercial losses action plan, implement it and monitor your benefits.
1°) Data collection and analysis: establish a commercial losses baseline and identify areas of improvement and quick wins.
We gather available data, realize on-field visits and inspection, interview with managers, conduct workshops, minutes, reports and presentations, and analyze the information collected.
2°) Implementation and monitoring: implement concrete on-field actions and operational processes improvements to recover unbilled water volumes in the system
We support you at various stages of the value chain:
  • Metering: optimized meters’ renewal plan to improve consumption monitoring
    Optimize investment to minimize under accounting by water meters, take benefit of Advanced Metering Infrastructure technologies, prioritize localized actions according to reglementary, social and economic constraints.
SUEZ added value: worldwide water utilities’ return of experience (from reglementary framework, to procurement, quality, implementation, operation & maintenance); metering degradation models (by brand, type, diameter, installation conditions, operational conditions); a metering technical center dedicated to meters performance analysis; statistic and big data techniques to forecast and simulate; patented AMI technologies.
  • Data: actualized databases in Customer Information System for fair billing
    Benefit from data and processes mapping, virtualization, visualization for analysis, geocoding when needed. We also provide implementation of big data techniques and algorithms to identify missing and or incorrect data, then to suggest data actualization and improvement, field operations for inquiries, inspections and data collection.
SUEZ added valued: worldwide water utilities return of experience (in CIS design, development, implementation, integration, operation and maintenance), several Revenue Management Business Outsourcing Contracts for customers database elaboration and actualization (census), and or commercial processes (reading, billing, collection), statistic and big data techniques to forecast and simulate, patented CIS
  • Fraud: targeted field inspections to detect and correct irregular consumptions
    Our expertise goes from existing CIS and operational data, proposing, executing, managing & monitoring prioritized and localized field inspections, to detecting and correcting irregular consumption. We also provide capacity building on frauds’ use cases, and guidance on how to identify and regulate them.
SUEZ added value: worldwide water utilities return of experience (dedicated field inspections teams); several Performance based Contracts to improve water utilities commercial efficiency; statistic and big data techniques to forecast and simulate; patented digital solutions to pilot frauds identification and correction.

Your benefits

By choosing our Opti Revenue approach, water utilities benefit from SUEZ worldwide experience and know-how in water revenue management services, as well as our digital solutions and big data algorithms, field inspections tools and techniques, and our huge databases of meters behavior.

Revenue increase

CAPEX optimization

"optimized meter plans"

OPEX improvement

"prioritize on-field actions"

Our references

-40% commercial losses in SACMEX Mexico City water operator

HOW: Business Process Outsourcing of Water Revenue Management activities for 4.5 million inhabitants (half of Mexico city)

In India, optimize and guarantee fair water services invoicing, and equitable fees collection in Coimbatore City

HOW: Full transformation of revenue management operational areas of this 1.9 million inhabitants' territory by implementing an integrated approach and digital solutions to manage water utility’s connections, metering, reading, billing, collection & Customer Information Management processes.



Alexandre GIL

Revenue Management Solutions Owner [email protected]