As part of the public service delegation contract entered into with Hyères-les-Palmiers in 2011, SUEZ implemented the "Aqua Renova" project. The initiative is based on two developments:
- Limit the use of groundwater aquifers by increasing the potential of the water network assets through sustainable and intelligent management
- Restore the alluvial aquifer of Bas Gapeau inland by pushing out seawater through recharge and better management of withdrawals
To sustain its action, SUEZ encourages the involvement of partners and inhabitants in a joint effort to preserve the water resources.
Modernise the drinking water distribution network
To make the network more productive, we combined the rehabilitation of pipelines and water leak detection by installing acoustic sensors and remote meter reading. This smart management system also enables inhabitants to monitor their water consumption in real time.
Restore groundwater aquifers
SUEZ deployed its full know-how to prevent the pollution of groundwater aquifers by seawater intrusions.
SUEZ set up an innovative, environmentally-sound process to recharge the Gapeau aquifer by introducing fresh water taken from a local surface water mass. This technique is inspired by nature and is based on the drainage capacities of soils. It guarantees the suitable level of aquifers throughout the year, adequate to repel salt water intrusion from the very close sea.