
Scope: Software Subscription and Development
Population: 1.5 million
Duration: 3 years

WSSC’s Asset Management Program (AMP) involves a decision-making process with a focus on pipe mortality instead of hydraulic performance. The OptimizerTM platform was utilized to address all of WSSC’s needs by:

  • Optimizing capital & operational decision-making.
  • Integrating physical condition attributes with hydraulic capacity, operational costs, and level of service performance.
  • Assessing and validating capital needs.

In addition, SUEZ, when paired with OptimizerTM, provided WSSC with valuable insights, information, and capabilities:

  • Integration of the hydraulic model with asset management data.
  • Valuable insights on how to prioritize investments.
  • Strategic multicriteria POV based on hydraulic impact for replacement and maintenance prioritization.
  • Analysis with a transparent, unified approach to asset management and capital and operational planning, ultimately providing more confidence in decision-making.

Resulting benefits of a partnership with SUEZ:

  • CAPEX reduction
  • OPEX savings
  • Quality RISK mitigation
  • OPERATIONAL performance
  • REPUTATION from brand value