The mission

In 2018, devastating floods struck almost all the districts of state of Kerala, causing major catastrophe. More than four hundred people lost their lives. Among all the regions, the Kuttanad area of Alleppey District witnessed the worst flood and needed immediate assistance.

A quick analysis by the SUEZ team in India revealed that there was an urgent and desperate need for cleaning agents, stationery for students to resume their education, and medical attention to affected populations.

Our solution

Understanding these needs of the community, SUEZ Foundation - India provided support in the following areas:

  1. Study materials kits to 1000 school children
  2. Cleaning kits to 1000 families
  3. Medical camps conducted in the affected areas covering a population of around 2000 people


School stationery kits to 1000 lower primary school children

A survey of the disaster area and meeting the affected families revealed the plight of the students as they reported the loss of their school books and accessories. In response to this, on an urgent basis, one thousand school stationery kits (four notebooks, stickers, pencil, crayon, sharpener, eraser, and a small pouch), were distributed in ten different schools, so that the children can resume their studies immediately.

Cleaning kits to 1000 families

One of immediate effects of a flood is the outbreak of diseases. As a preventive measure, SUEZ Foundation - India distributed 1000 cleaning agents in the interior corners of the most flooded areas in Kerala.

Medical camps covering about 2000 people

Many people in the flooded areas were forced to live in submerged dirty water for days, which affected their health, and they desperately needed medical attention. SUEZ organized medical camps at different locations with doctors who volunteered to be a part of this relief operation.

The result

These initiatives got very strong support from the local community, especially the youth, who came forward eagerly to support as volunteers in the relief activities, which was highly commendable and appreciated by SUEZ. Also, SUEZ is proud of its employees for their continuous support and help, in addition to standing strong and united for executing the post-flood rehabilitation of the affected areas in Kerala.




"SUEZ team visited my home and noticed that I lost all my school stationery in the recent flood. I am very happy, not only because I got new stationery kits, but because 1000 children like me also got new kits. A big thanks to SUEZ Foundation - India."

Master Anantha Krishnan, Nedumudi Village, Kuttanad, Alleppey, Kerala


"Most of our children lost all their study materials in the recent flood. SUEZ Foundation - India is the very first organisation that reached out to our school immediately and provided all necessary study materials to our primary school children. We thank SUEZ Foundation for the timely support and making our children happy.”

Ms. Asha - Teacher, Devamatha School, Chennamkary, Alleppey, Kerala


"Expressing our sincere thanks to SUEZ Foundation - India for inviting us in their relief operations in Kuttanad area, Alleppey. We participated in free medical camps and distribution of house cleaning kits which benefitted almost 1500 families.”

Dr. Sreejit Pranavam - Ayurvedics, Calicut, Kerala.