Your challenges

Water losses represent both an environmental and economic challenge for water utilities. On average, 20% of the total OPEX budget to operate a water network is dedicated to leaking detection and repair.

Predict, detect & locate leaks combining advanced inspections technologies with data analytics

Thanks to our historical expertise in managing water networks, we developed solutions by a water operator for water operators. Our Spot Leaks approach will allow you to predict, detect and locate leaks by combining advanced inspections technologies with data analytics.

It is based on a proven and result-oriented methodology at each step:

1°) Leakage zone mapping: map your network with cutting-edge inspection technologies to identify leakage zones

  • We help you to choose and implement the best-in-class technologies among our wide catalog, to better identify leakage zones in your network
Satellite image analysis
Image from satellite-mounted sensors enabling underground leakage detection
Acoustic logger deployment
Acoustic analysis via algorithms to quickly detect the leaks
Reverse modeling for virtual sectorization and leak detection
Likelihood of Burst analysis
Data analytics to identify the weakest pipes of the network
2°) Leak detection service: detect and repair the leaks thanks to innovative field technologies
  • We help you to improve the efficiency of leak detection, advising and implementing the right detection methods to fit your network configuration
In-line technologies
Leak detection Helium robotic tracer for non-metallic and main pipes
Gaz injection / iDroloc
Equipment inserted in the pipes to provide relevant assessement and detect leaks
3°) Dynamic leakage control: early detect the leaks and reduce leakage time based on real-time monitoring
  • We provide an in-house real-time monitoring tool allowing you to control and anticipate the risk of leakage and ensure continuity of service.

Your benefits

By choosing Spot Leaks you benefit from our operator experience and our technological watch to choose the best technologies. You can early detect and quickly respond to leakages thanks to our home-built real-time monitoring tool.
Reduction of water losses
Improve performance of field activities
Optimization of the detection thanks to tailor-made selection of techniques
Water Quality compliance

Our references

In the United Kingdom, supporting South Staffs Water in their efforts to reduce leakage by 15%

How: Supplying a non-invasive satellite leak detection service on 6000km of distribution and trunk main pipeworks. Satellite leak detection




Water Network Solutions Owner [email protected]